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David FeBland

Geboren: 1949 in London


Arbeiten des Künstlers

FeBland, David ◊ Hudson Park Aire, 2007
FeBland, David ◊ Hudson Park Aire, 2007

FeBland, David ◊ Keystone, 2005
FeBland, David ◊ Keystone, 2005

FeBland, David ◊ Calm Over Quiet, 2007
FeBland, David ◊ Calm Over Quiet, 2007

FeBland, David ◊ Transcendental, 2007
FeBland, David ◊ Transcendental, 2007

FeBland, David ◊ Foreplay, 2003
FeBland, David ◊ Foreplay, 2003

FeBland, David ◊ Subterranean, 2006
FeBland, David ◊ Subterranean, 2006

FeBland, David ◊ Parade of Virtues, 2003
FeBland, David ◊ Parade of Virtues, 2003

FeBland, David ◊ Samba Sabado, 2007
FeBland, David ◊ Samba Sabado, 2007

FeBland, David ◊ Freedom Rider, 2007
FeBland, David ◊ Freedom Rider, 2007

FeBland, David ◊ Law of Physics, 2006
FeBland, David ◊ Law of Physics, 2006

FeBland, David ◊ Kaaba, 2007
FeBland, David ◊ Kaaba, 2007

FeBland, David ◊ Jalapena
FeBland, David ◊ Jalapena

FeBland, David ◊ Parade of Virtues
FeBland, David ◊ Parade of Virtues

FeBland, David ◊ Zap-5
FeBland, David ◊ Zap-5

FeBland, David ◊ Abstract Reasoning, 2004
FeBland, David ◊ Abstract Reasoning, 2004

FeBland, David ◊ Almost A Romance, 2004
FeBland, David ◊ Almost A Romance, 2004

FeBland, David ◊ Beautiful Broadway, 2004
FeBland, David ◊ Beautiful Broadway, 2004

FeBland, David ◊ Casbah, 2004
FeBland, David ◊ Casbah, 2004

FeBland, David ◊ Five In A Row, 2004
FeBland, David ◊ Five In A Row, 2004

FeBland, David ◊ Flow Train, 2004
FeBland, David ◊ Flow Train, 2004

FeBland, David ◊ Foreplay, 2004
FeBland, David ◊ Foreplay, 2004

FeBland, David ◊ Highway Of Love, 2004
FeBland, David ◊ Highway Of Love, 2004

FeBland, David ◊ Memories Of You, 2004
FeBland, David ◊ Memories Of You, 2004


1949 geboren in London, England

lebt und arbeitet in New York City, USA

1971 University of Cincinnati, BA IPolitical Science

1972 University of Manchester, England/Town Planning & Design

1974 University of Virginia, MA/Landscape Architecture

1977-78 School for the Visual Arts

1991-2001 Gastprofessuren an Universitäten wie dem Pratt Institute, der Fordham University und der University of Richmond

Arbeiten von David FeBland befinden sich in folgenden Sammlungen:

American Cyanamid, American Express Company, AT & T, Chase Manhattan Bank Corporation, Chroma, Ciba-Geigy Pharmaceuticals, Citibank Corporation, Columbia Broadcasting System, Dupont Chemical, Exxon Corporation, Healthcare Placement Services, Heraeus Holding, Hilton Hotels International, IBM Corporation, Leo Burnett Company, McDonalds Corporation, Mobil Corporation, Museum of the City of New York, Pepsi Cola Corporation, Prudential Insurance Company, Procter&Gamble, Quaker Oats Company, Trans World Airlines, The St. Martin's Press, UAL Corporation, Universal Studios, Wassall USA



Aktuelle und vergangene Ausstellungstermine:
art.fair 21
David FeBland / Daniel Wagenblast - Entdeckungen
ART MIAMI - Galerie Barbara von Stechow
Palmbeach3 - Galerie Barbara von Stechow
Art Karlsruhe - Barbara von Stechow

Weitere Termine:


2006 Galerie Barbara von Stechow, Frankfurt, Germany

2004 Galerie Barbara von Stechow, Frankfurt, Germany (solo&catalogue)
Fraser Gallery, Washington, OC, USA (solo)

2003 Pringle Gallery, PA "Streetwalkers", Philadelphia, USA (solo)
Valley House Gallery, Oallas, TX, USA (solo)

2002 Galerie Barbara von Stechow, Frankfurt, Germany (solo)
Fraser Gallery, Washington, OC, USA (solo)
Lawrenceville / Hurchins Gallery, Princeton, NJ, USA (solo)
Pringle Gallery "Urban Oynamics", Philadelphia, PA, USA (solo)

2001 Museum of the Southwest, "Contemporary Artist Series", Midland, TX, USA (solo)
Fraser Gallery, Washington, OC, USA (solo)
Woodward Gallery, "Still/Life", NYC, NY, USA, (2-person)
Modlin Center for the Arts, "Twist & Shour", University of Richmond Museums (VA), USA (solo installation)

2000 Barn Gallery, Middle Tennessee State University, USA (solo)
Bender Fine Arts, "Urban Aesthetic", Atlanta, GA, USA (2-person)
Carnegie Visual+Performing Arts Center, KY, USA (solo)
Valley House Gallery, "Introductions", Oallas, TX, (feature)

1999 Arts Club of Washington OC, "City of Rhythm", USA (solo)
Carriage Barn Art Center, New Canaan, CT, USA (2-person)
Caelum Gallery, "Running Commentaries", NYC, USA (solo)
Fraser Gallery, "Splitting Atoms", Washington, OC, USA (solo)
Krasdale Corporation, "Making the Walls Sing", NYC, USA (feature)

1998 Caelum Gallery, "City Stories", NYC, USA (solo)
Fulton Street Gallery, "In and Out of New York", Troy, NY, USA (solo)
Fraser Gallery, Washington, OC, USA (feature)
Pearl Conard Gallery, "Contemporary Realism in the Painting of Oavid FeBland", Ohio State University, USA

1997 Katherine E. Nash Gallery, "Art-full Living", University of Minnesota, USA (feature)
MMC Gallery, "Enclosed Cultures", Marymount Manhattan College, USA (2-person)

1994 Gallery Art Proper, Sourhampton, NY, USA (solo)

Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl)

2004 Fraser Gallery, "New Figurativ Paintings", Washington, OC, USA
Art Frankfurt, Galerie Barbara von Stechow, Frankfurt, Germany
Galerie Barbara von Stechow, "New York Impressions", Frankfurt, Germany
Artl UK 2004, London, England (feature)

2003 Art Frankfurt, Galerie Barbara von Stechow, Frankfurt, Germany
Art Fair 2003, Galerie Barbara von Stechow Frankfurt, Cologne, Germany
Art Dealers Association Fair, "Works on Paper", NYC, NY, USA

2002 Art Frankfurt, Galerie Barbara von Stechow, Frankfurt, Germany
Art Dealers Association Art Fair, "The Art Show", NYC, NY, USA
Pringle Gallery, Princeton, NJ, USA

2001 Woodward Gallery, "Hit and Run", NYC, USA
New York Mercantile Exchange, "Life Links", NYC, USA
Philadelphia Contemporary Art Fair, 2001, Philadelphia, PA, USA

2000 Pelham Arts Center, "The City and Its Pulse", NY, USA

1999 Butler Institute of American Art, "Midyear Exhibition", OH, USA
Valley House Gallery, "Summer Exhibition", Dallas, TX, USA
Woodward Gallery, "Nature: OutdoorslInside", NYC, USA

1998 Chrysler Museum of Art, "Biennial Exhibition", Norfolk, VA, USA
Carrie Haddad Gallery, "Painted Cities", Hudson, NY, USA
Katonah Musuem, "Art as Spectacle", Katonah, NY, USA
Pasadena Arts Center, "American Artist Magazine Emerging Artist Exhibition", Pasedena, CA, USA
Silvermine Guild Arts Center, ,,49th Art of the Northeast Exhibition", CT, USA
University Gallery, Sr. John's University, NYC, USA

1997 Aljira Center for Contemporary Art; Newark, N.J., USA
Corner Museum of Art, Sylacauga, AL, USA
Lancaster Museum of Art, Lancaster, PA, USA
Nassau County Museum of Art, Bahama-In. ???
Nicolet College/L.R.C. Gallery; "Northern Arts Council Invitational", Rhinelander, WI, USA
Salmagundi Club, NYC, N.Y., USA
Westbeth Exhibition Space, "Mass Medium", NYC, N.Y, USA

1996 Fairfield University IThomas J. Walsh Art Gallery, Fairfield, CT, USA
National Academy Museum, ,,171st Biennial", NYC, USA

1995 Gallery of Living Artists, "Spring Group Show", NYC, USA

1994 Park Avenue Atrium Gallery, "Transportation as Art Theme", NYC, USA

1989 Galleria de la Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain


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