Jean-Pierre Hébert verwendet das Medium Zeichnung sehr vielseitig und produziert ein umfangreiches Werk auf Papier (Zeichnungen, Radierungen, Computerprints), in Sand und als Installationen. Seit den 70er Jahren befaßt sich Hébert mit der Erstellung von konzeptuellen Zeichnungen, die auf einem von ihm entwickelten Original-Code basieren. Er ist Gründungsmitglied der Algorists, einer Gruppe von Computerkünstlern, die viele Jahre unabhängig voneinander tätig waren, bevor sie sich seit der SIGGRAPH '95 zu "The Algorist Group" zusammenschlossen.
Hébert's Arbeiten veranschaulichen, dass mit dem Computer fortwährend neue visuelle und ästhetische Möglichkeiten durch künstlerische Überlegungen ausgelotet werden können. Sein umfangreiches Werk zeichnet sich durch mannigfache Entwicklungen innerhalb der Plotterzeichnungen aus. Doch entwickelte er mit anderen Medien ebenso außergewöhnliche Arbeiten, die auf große Beachtung stießen. Das wohl ungewöhnlichste und innovativste digitale Kunstwerk sind seine 'sand pieces', wo eine Stahlkugel mittels algorithmischer Steuerung auf Sand bewegt wird und die fertige Arbeit an einen Zengarten erinnert.
Seine Arbeiten fanden seit der ersten Ausstellung in Vence/Frankreich 1989, nicht nur in den USA, sondern auch international große Beachtung. In wichtigen Sammlungen (Brooklyn Museum of Art, the Getty Research Institute, the New York Drawing Center, the Tweed Musum of Art, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London sowie im Digital Art Museum in Berlin) ist er bereits vertreten.
geboren 1939
lebt und arbeitet in Santa Barbara/ USA
Projekte (Auswahl)
2005 „IDAA 2005“, Melbourne
2005 Illinois Institute of Technology, Kemper Gallery, Chicago
2006 KITP „Algorists Show“ with Hans Dehlinger, Channa Horwitz, Roman Verostko,
San Luis Obispo Museum of Art
2007 „Imaging by Numbers: A Historical View of the Computer Print“ The Mary & Leigh Block Museum of Art, Northwest-ern University
Auszeichnungen (Auswahl)
2005 nominated to the [ddaa] award (Berlin)
2005 Santa Barbara Printmakers, award
2003 Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at UCSB, Artist in Residence
2002 Santa Barbara Printmakers, award
2000 Fondation La Ferthé/ Fondation de France (Paris), grant
Kiasma, The Museum of Contemporary Art (Helsinki, Finland), commission
1998 The Science Museum of Minnesota (Saint Paul), commission
Cone Editions Press (Vermont), residencies
Camera Works (New-York),
1997 Camera Works (New-York), commissions
Sammlungen (Auswahl)
2005 Brooklym Museum Prints and Drawings (New York)
Getty Research Institue (Los Angeles)
2004 Tweed Museum of Art (University of Minnesota, Duluth)
Victoria and Albert Museum (London / Patric Prince Collection)
2003 Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at U.C. Santa Barbara.
Santa Barbara County Arts Commission.
Camera Works (New-York).
Galerie Alphonse Chave (Vence)
Private & Corporate Collections (Goleta, Los Altos Hills, Paris, Providence, Saclay, Santa Barbara)
2005 Jean-Pierre Hébert & David Holt: Expanding Reality, Pete & Susan Barrett Art Gallery, Santa Monica/California
2004 [DAM] Berlin/Germany
Ulysses, Aniccata, New Works and Works in the KITP Collection, University of California at Santa Barbara
2003 Fields on Paper, University of California at Santa Barbara
Jean-Pierre Hébert & Victor Raphael: Illuminated Collaboration, Karpeles Manuscript Library and Museum, Santa Barbara/California
2002 Art on Plasma, HiFi Club, Santa Barbara/California
Traces on Sand and Paper, a didactic show at Monlleo Gallery, Curator:Elaine LeVasseur,Santa Barbara/ California
2001 Traces on Sand and Paper, Arizona State University, The Computing Commons Gallery, Tempe/ Arizona
The University of Texas at Austin, Curator: Tim High, Austin/ Texas
Unus Mundus: From the Digital to the Sublime, El Camino College Art Gallery, with Victor Raphael, Curator: Susanna Mei-ers, Los Angeles/ California
2000 On Lines at DesignArc, Curator: Elaine Levasseur, Santa Barbara/ California
Recent Works, Los Altos Hills/ California
1989 IBM Research Center, La Gaude/ France
Sans lever la plume, Galerie Alphonse Chave, Curator: Pierre Chave, Vence/France
1979 Six Dessins à Main Levée, Galerie 90, Paris, France
Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl)
2005 Siggraph Art Gallery, Los Angeles/California
International Mathematica Symposium 2005, Art Exhibition, Perth/Australia
2004 Siggraph Art Gallery, Los Angeles/California
Contemporary Art and the Mathematical Instinct, Curator: Peter Spooner (Center for the Arts, Rutgers Uni-versity/New-Jersey; University Art Museum, University of Richmond/Virginia
ComputerKunst 2004, Gladbeck/Germany
2003 Contemporary Art and the Mathematical Instinct, Curator: Peter Spooner (Tweed Museum of Art, University of Minnesota at Duluth
Inclusion in the Slide Registry of the Drawing Center, New-York
Artware II, Curator: Umberto Roncoroni, Spanish Cultural Center, Lima/Peru
Berlin Welcome!, Curator: Wolf Lieser, [DAM] Berlin, Berlin/Germany
Micad, Paris/France
Laval Virtual, Laval/France
Art Gallery, Siggraph’03, San Diego/California
Exposition de dessins, Galerie Alphonse Chave, Vence/France
2002 William Paterson University, Wayne/New Jersey
ArtBits, Photokina, Köln Cologne/Germany
ArtBits, Akademie der Künste, Wien Vienna/Österreich Austria
Opera Totale, Venedig Venice/Italy
Santa Barbara County Art Commission building, permanent installation.
Stop Landscape, Galerie Monlleo, Santa Barbara/California
Forumulations, Contemporary Arts Forum, Santa Barbara/California
Museum of Science and Industry, Tampa, Florida
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester/New-York
2001 26th Brooklyn Print National, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Curator: Marilyn Kushner, Brooklyn/ New-York
Ink and Clay 27, W.Keith and Janet Kellogg University Art Gallery, Curator: Marti Koplin, Los Angeles/ California
Canal Walk, Cape Town/ South Africa
The College of New Jersey Art Gallery, Ewing/ New Jersey
Cohen Hébert Mohr Verostko, Exhibition of a Private Collection, Los Altos Hills/ California
Chaos, Fractals and Artificial Life, Spanish Cultural Center, Curator: Umberto Roncoroni, Lima/Peru)
N-Space Siggraph Art Gallery, Los Angeles/ California
Nordic-Interactive, Copenhagen/ Denmark
Santa Barbara Printmakers“, Lacuna Gallery, Santa Barbara/ California
2000 George Mason University, Fairfax/ Virginia
Imagina: Villages de l’Innovation, Monaco
Mississippi State University, Department of Art, Starkville/ Mississippi
Kiasma: Alien Intelligence, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Curator: Erkki Huhtamo, Helsinki/Finland
Print-In 2000, Contemporary Arts Forum, Santa Barbara/ California
Digital Images: Art in the Electronic Age’’, City of Brea Gallery/ California
Media Manipulations, UAB Visual Arts Gallery, Birmingham/GB
Generative Art, Milano/ Italy
1999 UCSB Winter Art Symposium, Santa Barbara/ California
Alpers Fine Art, Boston/ Massachussets
The Art Institute of Houston, Houston/Texas
The Forecast Project, The Science Museum of Minnesota
Sisyphus with Bruce Shapiro, St. Paul/ Minnesota
TechnOasis, Siggraph’99, Los Angeles/ California
The Sausalito Art Festival, San Francisco/ California
Quai des Bulles, Palais du Grand Large, Saint Malo/ France
The Santa Monica College Art Gallery, Los Angeles/ California
1998 Dessins Ecritures en Boustrophédon, Galerie Alphonse Chave, Curator: Pierre Chave, Vence/ France
The Living Arts Center, Mississauga, Ontario/ Canada
Art and Design Show, Siggraph’98, Orlando/ Florida
ComputerKunst’98, Museum der Stadt Gladbeck/ Germany
Art-Math’98, UCB, Berkeley/ California
Art+Aesthetics of Artificial Life’’, UCLA, Los Angeles/ California
Sausalito Art Festival, San Francisco/ California
Science as Art, Indiana and Purdue Universities, IUPUI Cultural Arts Gallery, Indianapolis/ Indiana
Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot, Sand illustrations for Stephanie Strickland’s poem
1997 Ongoings: The Fine Arts Gallery, Siggraph’97, Los Angeles/ California
Artists sketches, Siggraph’97
Digital Perspective 1997, Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, Chicago/ Illinois
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Darmstadt/ Germany
1996 Galerie Alphonse Chave, Vence/ France
1995 Art and Design Show, Siggraph’95, Los Angeles/ California
Algorithms and the Artist, Siggraph’95 Panel, Los Angeles/ California
1994 California State University at Chico, Art Department, Chico/ California
Art and Design Show, Siggraph’94, Orlando/ Florida
1993 Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane/ Australia
Digital Salon des Indpendants, Curator: Patric Prince, West Hollywood/ California
Haute Tension IV, Galerie Alphonse Chave, Vence/ France
1992 Art and Design Show, Siggraph’92, Chicago/ Illinois
Third International Symposium on Electronic Art, Sydney/ Australia
1991 The Mathematica Conference, San Francisco/ California
California State University of Stanislaus, Turlock/ California
Art & Algorithm - Mind & Machine, at the Minneapolis College of Art & Design, Minneapolis
Le Groupe Agonal, Galerie Alphonse Chave, Vence/ France
Art and Design Show, Siggraph’91, Las Vegas/ Nevada
New Mexico State University, University Art Gallery, Las Cruces/ New Mexico
Interface: Art & Computer, Park Avenue Atrium Art Gallery, New-York
DADA/DATA, Maryland Art Place & the University of Maryland Baltimore County/ Maryland
1990 Hartje Gallery, Frankfurt/ Germany, Gilford/ New Hampshire
Instituto de Estudios Norte Americanos, Barcelona/ Spain
Museo de Salamanca, Salamanca University, Salamanca/ Spain
Art and Design Show, Siggraph’90, Dallas/ Texas
Computer Museum, Boston/ Massachussets
Infinite Illusion: The World of Electronically Created Imagery, The Smithsonian Institution, Cura-tor: Joan Truckenbrod/ Washington
Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt/ Germany
Second International Symposium on Electronic Art, Groningen/ Holland
Castellani Art Museum, Niagara University/ New-York
1989 Art and Design Show, Siggraph’89, Computer Museum, Boston/ Massachussets
Art Junction, Nice/ France
Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt/ Germany
1959 Arts et Métiers, Curator: Pierre Soleillant, Lille/ France
2005 Art in the Digital Age, by Bruce Wands (Thames and Hudson)
UCSB Profiles in Research 2004
String Serenad,The American Scientist
2004 Contemporary Art and the Mathematical Instinct, (Tweed Museum Catalog)
2002 Nicholas Lambert, PhD Art History Dissertation
Mike King, Digital Art Museum, pioneers page:
Works from the algorithmic paintbox, Joseph Woodard, Santa Barbara News Press
D.J. Palladino, Santa Barbara Independent, Santa Barbara Magazine
Diversity in digital print, Georges Whale, Printmaking Today vol.11 #2.
2001 Review The Art of the Passing Moment, by Kolleen Roberts, Inside IT
Review, 26th Brooklyn Print National’’, Digital Fine Art Magazine Summer Issue.
26th Brooklyn Print National, Brooklyn Museum Catalog
Review A must-see show, by Joan Crowder, Santa Barbara Independent
2000 Alien Intelligence, (Kiasma Museum Catalog, Helsinki Finland)
The New A, B, C: Algorithm, Body, Computer, by Jennifer Mahlman, Contemporary Impressions, Journal of the American Print Alliance (Fall Issue, Volume 8 #2).
Munhwa Kihaing, Cultural Agenda produced by Song Won Dae (Korean Broadcast Systems)
Review Machine Ghosts by D.J. Palladino, Santa Barbara Independent
1999 Review in The Computer in the Visual Arts, by Anne Morgan Spalter (Addison Wesley)
ArtByte, back covers
Review Art on Paper
Graphics Gallery, cover article, Mathematica Journal (Volume 7, Issue 3)
Review Media Art by Machiko Kusahara, InterCommunication (Issue 31)
About Time and Impermanence in Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005
Siggraph Visual Proceedings (Catalogs and CDROMs)
1991 Computer Graphics World (July Issue), ``Computers in Art and Design, Isaac V. Kerlow (Siggraph’91)
1990 Cover article, The Mathematica Journal
Leonardo (Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Science, and Technology, Supplemental)
The Journal of the ACM
1989 SunTech Journal
Leonardo (Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Science, and Technology, Supplemental Issue 1989).