Aktuelle und vergangene Ausstellungstermine:
14.12.2004 Foto-Editionen + Hochdruck-Editionen
03.09.2004 Gemeinsam - Gegenwart Europa
22.10.2002 20 Jahre Galerie & Verlag Horst Dietrich
Weitere Termine:
1992 „Small reflexions of time“, Gallery ON, Poznan
„From the diary of labirynth“, Gallery 104, Gent, Belgien
1993 „Travels around un-measurable Time“, Inter-national Centre of Art, Poznan
„Silence of small e-motions“, Gallery AT, Poznan
„Books-Objects“, Galeria Dzialan/Gallery of Action, Warschau
1994 „Around un-sure circulations“, Gallery Wejscie, Centre for Contemporary Art, Warschau
„ throughOut“, Teraz Gallery, Stettin, Polen
1995 „a few steps above, a few degrees aside“, Kingsgate Gallery, London
„:21. It is important to distinguish“, Galeria 2124, Oslo, Norwegen
1996 „Stable behaviour“ Gallery Potocka, Krakau
1997 „Up and Down“, The Commercial Gallery, London
„A discrete point of suspension“, Biala Gallery, Lublin, Polen
1999 “Episode“, Labyrinth Gallery, State Gallery, Lublin, Polen
“Repetitions“, ON Gallery, Poznan
2000 “re: positioning“, Artists Unlimited Gallery, Bielefeld
2001 “music for individual performances“, Gedok Atelierhaus, Lübeck
2002 “Harmonia Mundi” – exercises in perspective, Kingsgate Gallery, London
2003 Hidden Melody – looking for a sound, ON Gallery, Posen
2004 “Beyond the line of eyelids. Travel!, XX1 Gallery, Warschau
“Gemeinsam-Gegenwart Europa”, Galerie Horst Dietrich, Berlin
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