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Nezaket Ekici

Geboren: 1970 in Kirsehir / Türkei


- Zeitgenössische Kunst


Zum Künstler

Nezaket Ekici :

since 1973 lives and works in Germany

Scholarships, Grants, Awards
2007 Bursary from Schloß Wiepersdorf
Project grant from Goethe Institut Amsterdam
2006 Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg
Project grant from Goethe Los Angeles/ USA
Bischofsheimer Gangart Art Award 2006
2005 Bursary for Artist in Residencies BM Contemporary Art Center ISTANBUL, for 6 months
Arbeitsstipendium Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn
Project grant from Goethe Institut Madrid/ Spain
2004 Bursary for Artist in Residencies, Barkenhoff-Stiftung Künstlerhäuser Worpswede, for 9 months
GASAG Art Award Berlin 2004
2003 Bursary for Artist in Residencies , Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, for 5 months
Project grant from Goethe Institut Inter Nationes Damascus/ Syria
2002 Artist' and Authors' Bursary by the Else-Heiliger-Fonds, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Project grant from Goethe Institut Inter Nationes Mailand/ Italy
2001 Brazier's International Artist Workshop Oxfordeshire/ England
Project grant from Kulturreferat der Stadt München und Dresdner Bank
2000 Antonio Ratti Foundation, International Summer Academy Como/ Italy with Ilya Kabakov
1998 Bursary for foreign Student from Bavarian Free State Munich

Arbeiten des Künstlers

Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : Daydream, 2006
Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : Daydream, 2006

Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : Hullabelly, 2002
Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : Hullabelly, 2002

Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : National Anthems, 2005
Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : National Anthems, 2005

Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : Inafferrabile, 2004
Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : Inafferrabile, 2004

Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : Veil Fight, 2004
Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : Veil Fight, 2004

Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : Fountain Blue, 2004
Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : Fountain Blue, 2004

Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : Performance Atropos, 2006
Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Projekt : Performance Atropos, 2006

Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Virgin Works, 2006
Ekici, Nezaket ◊ Virgin Works, 2006


Nezaket Ekici:

1970 born in Kirsehir / Turkey
1990 - 1993 degree in Layout Operator and Printing Plate training, Duisburg and Munich, Germany
1994 - 2000 M.A. degree in Art Pedagogy and Art History, with Prof. Wolfgang Kehr, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany
1996 - 2000 Studies sculpture, with Prof. Heribert Sturm, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich, Germany
2001 - 2003 degree in Fine Arts, with Prof. Dr. Marina Abramovic, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, Germany
2004 MFA-degree, with Prof. Dr. Marina Abramovic, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, Germany



Aktuelle und vergangene Ausstellungstermine:
Nezaket Ekici, Double Bind
ARCO `08
DNA Galerie - ART COLOGNE 2008
DNA auf der Viennafair
NEZAKET EKICI - Memories of Objects

Weitere Termine:

Nezaket Ekici

Solo exhibitions (selection)
2007 LIFE EXTREME, U2 Alexanderplatz, NGBK / Berlin, Germany
Blind, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart / Stuttgart, Germany
2006 Double bind, DNA / Berlin, Germany
Emotion in Motion#7, Kunstverein Malkasten / Düsseldorf, Germany
2005 Orientación-Nezaket Ekici, performance/video/photo, Goethe Institut / Madrid, Spain
National Anthems, videoinstallation, Proje 4L Artvarium, Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art / Istanbul, Turkey
Gözü Kara/ Fearless, Karsi Sanat Calismalari / Istanbul, Turkey
2004 Fountain, installation/performance/photo, Gallery Breitengraser, room for comtemporary sculpture / Berlin, Germany
2002 Werkschau, installation/performance, Gallery Weißer Elefant / Berlin, Germany
Emotion in Motion, kiss performance/installation, Gallery Valeria Belvedere / Milano, Italy
Lee(h)rstellen- Beauty lies in the eye of the Beholder; installation/performance, Academy Galery / Munich, Germany
2000 Emotion in Motion, kiss performance, Kaskadenkondensator / Basel, Switzerland
1999 Lab Control, installation/performance, Academy Gallery / Munich, Germany
Group exhibitions (selection)
2008 Water Please, Kunstverein Ulm / Ulm, Germany
Mahrem, Kunsthalle project space / Wien, Austria
2007 All for Art! Great Private Collections Among Us, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Montreal, Canada
Continuity and Change: Islamic Tradition in Contemporary Art, Williamsburg Art & Historical Center / Brooklyn, New York, USA
Mahrem, Santral Istanbul Galerie 1 / Istanbul, Turkey
RARE ESSENCE, Aeroplastics Contemporary / Brussels, Belgium
Water Please, Schaufester FH / Potsdam, Germany
THE PORTS OF THE ART 2007 / Canatia, Italy
Reality Crossings, 2. Foto Festival / Mannheim, Ludwigshafen, Heidelberg, Germany
Turkish Delight, 3. Generation, Städtische Galerie / Nordhorn, Germany
EPAF, in CCA / Warsaw, Poland
Skulturale Handlungen, Moncys House Museum / Palanga, Lithuania
Festival of Performing Arts (with IPG) curated by Marina Abramovic and Ismail Ivo / Venice Biennale, Italy
Performance, Kunstverein Kassel / Kassel, Germany
Performance:Nezaket Ekici und Philip Metz; 30 Jahre Graphothek, Stadtbücherei Stuttgart / Stuttgart, Germany
Fashion Accidentall, Museum of Contemporary Arts / Taipei, Taiwan
Lite Site festival 07 / Amsterdam, Netherlands
Into me out of me MACRO - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma / Rome, Italy
Lange Nacht der Museen, Staatsgalerie / Stuttgart, Germany
Performancefestival: EX SIRI LOVE IS TEMPORARY / Terni, Italy
Nezaket Ekici/ Alexander Schikowski, Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg / Stuttgart, Germany
Radikal, Ardindan Degil Karsisinda " Site Specific, City of Istanbul
Into me out of me Kunst Werke / Berlin, Germany
Meltem of Istanbul Proje 4L, Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art / Istanbul, Turkey
2006 Blessed are the Merciful Groupexibition, Galerie Feigen / New York, USA
Best of, Galerie Breitengraser, room for contemporary sculpture / Berlin, Germany
CONTENEDORES-Action-Art International Festival / Sevilla, Spain
Foi#3 International Performancefestival Singapore, Singapore
Satu Kali Festival Malaysia, Malaysia
Islam- Die Ringe der Künstler, Pasinger Fabrik München / Munich, Germany
EHF 2010, Konrad Adenauerstiftung / Berlin, Germany
Videoscreen at HVCCA, Peekskill / New York, USA
Centrifug, Festival of Performance art, Dansstationen / Malmö, Sweden
Into me, Out of me, PS1 / New York, USA
Outvideo ’06 3-d international video-art festival in public spaces
Skulpturale Handlungen, Galerie der Künstler, BBK / Munich, Germany
Sinopale, 1. Sinop Biennale / Turkey
Depicting Action, Galerie 18th, performanceseries, Festival / Santa Monica, USA
Goethe Institut / Los Angeles, USA
Das kritische Auge, Neuer Aschaffenburger Kunstverein / Aschaffenburg, Germany
Kunst im Öffentlichen Raum. Integration. Soziale Stadt / Mainz-Bischofsheim, Germany
All for one, One for all, aeroplastics Contemporary / Brussels, Belgium
Meltem of Istanbul, Proje 4L Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art / Istanbul, Turkey
Into me, Out of me , Kunst Werke / Berlin, Germany
2005 Gasag Kunst am Bau Performance / Berlin, Germany
Opening of Kunstmuseum / Stuttgart, Germany
Directors Lounge, videoscreen / Berlin, Germany
Videoscreen of "180 Wishes", Opening exibition of Goethe Institut / Madrid, Spain
1. Performance-Festival Schleswig-Holstein auf Schloß Salzau / Kiel, Germany
Persistent and Gradual Loss of Self-Control, Van Gogh Museum / Amsterdam, Netherlands
Gifted Generation, Haus Eins, Hebbel Theater / Berlin, Germany
Let Love blossom with IPG, Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea / Trento, Italy
Women and Münster, Gallery Sotodo / Münster, Germany
Rohkunstbau, Landpartien, Schloss Leuthen / Berlin, Germany
MAX5 Show/ Film & Video Festival, at the Foundry / London, England
Memento Mori, Atelierhaus Panzerhalle, Groß Glienicke / Potsdam, Germany
chur_interveniert 2005, sitespecific art projects and accompanying events in the old town of Chur / Switzerland
Vogelfrei 6- Paradiesgärten, Out Door Biennale / Darmstadt, Germany
Between two Sides, Aykut Barka Ferry, Besiktas-Kadiköy line / Istanbul, Turkey
Catania Art Fiera, Italy
Visibilty Project, Galata Perform / Istanbul, Turkey
11. Künstlerintage, Museum Mobile im Audi Forum / Ingolstadt, Germany
e_motion in motion, congress of the Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung und NDS Tanzkultur / Bern, Switzerland
Orientación, Reina Sofia Museum, Goethe Institut / Madrid, Spain
IPG, Gallery Illy / New York, USA
II.Performance Art Festival / Pontevedra, Spain
2004 Mediamatic Super Salon / Amsterdam, Netherlands
International Performance Festival / Boston, USA
Group exhibition Künstlerhäuser Worpswede, Galerie Alter Rathaus / Worpswede, Germany
The 2ndCrossroads Symposium 4-6.6.2004 / Riddarhyttan, Schweden
bgnm, berliner Gesellschaft für neue Musik, discussion Migration / Berlin, Germany
Cleaning the House Project, NMAC Foundation Montenmedio Arte Contemporáneo / Cadiz, Spain
Loop Performance, PS1 Contemporary Art Center / New York, USA
Der Raum, Die Wand, Das Buch, MeisterschülerInnen Austellung, Galerie der Hochschule, HBK / Braunschweig, Germany
Rituale der Gesundheit, Galerie im Park, Krankenhaus-Museum, Haus im Park / Bremen, Germany
GASAG Art Award 2004, 2yk Galerie, Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben e.V. / Berlin, Germany
Artforum Berlin, booth: Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben e.V / Berlin, Germany
Braunschweiger Kulturnacht, Lot Theater / Braunschweig, Germany
Sauber, Projektraum Künstlerhaus I, Künstlerhäuser / Worpswede, Germany
Raumkonzepte, Marta Museum / Herford, Germany
The Retrospective, Abramovic Class, Galerie der Hochschule, HBK / Braunschweig, Germany
Auftauchen, Tanz und Performancefestival / Hamburg, Germany
Ebent 04 International Festival of Performance of Barcelona / Barcelona and Madrid, Spain
Re-enact Performancenight, Club 11 / Amsterdam, Netherlands
2003 MAX5 Show, film & video festival at the Foundry / London, England
Rituale- in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Akademie der Künste / Berlin, Germany
Women’s Art Festival 5TH International / Aleppo, Syria
Random Ize Film and Video festival / Taipei, Taiwan
As soon as possible, Performance Loop, PAC / Milano, Italy
Recycling the future, Venice Biennale / Venice, Italy
Performance in Kunsthalle Fridericianum / Kassel, Germany
Mediatatic Super Salon / Amsterdam, Netherlands
6 Kunstvereine – 6 Standorte, Landesgartenschau Gronau/Losser/ Germany
Dialogues on artistic production and contemporary cultures, Sparwasser HQ / Berlin, Germany
Random Ize Film and Video festival / Malmö, Sweden
4th International Performancefestival / Odense, Denmark
Ab in die Mitte, Cityoffensive Schöppingen / artists' village Schöppingen, Germany
SconfinArt – Expo d’Arte Contemporanea / Trento, Italy
40 Heures/ 40 Stunden, exhibiton project at the cloister La Tourette / Lyon, France
20. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm und Videofest / Kassel, Germany
Galerie zur Möbelfabrik / Berlin, Germany
2002 Durch die Zeit, Kunstraum 10 / Hannover, Germany
Common ground#1, Landesvertretung Niedersachsen / Berlin, Germany
Random Ize Film and Video festival / London, England
No Place , Ifa Galerie / Bonn, Germany
Magnetmusicport- the electronic Woddstock / Wittstock, Berlin, Germany
Short Play, Cleaning the House, workshops, Galego de Arte contemporaneo / Santiago de Compostela, Spain
frisch eingetroffen, Zeitraum _ex!t Büro für Kunst e.V. / Mannheim, Germany
Braunschweiger Kulturnacht 2002 / Braunschweig, Germany
TransArt02, Franzensfeste / Fortezza Brixten
Pret à perform, Via Farini / Milano, Italy
Body Power/ Power Play, Württembergischer Kunstverein / Stuttgart, Germany
Stipendiatenausstellung (EHF 2002), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung / Berlin, Germany
2001 Iceprincess, Interim / Munich, Germany
Step by Step, Gallery KHG Leo 11 / Munich, Germany
Translation, Transformation, The 7th Performance Studies Conference / Mainz, Germany
base.ment, Subway U6 / Munich, Germany
Course of ILYA Kabakov, Gallery Via Farini / Milano, Italy
Brazier's International Artist Workshop / Oxfordshire, England
Real Presence - Generation, 25th May Museum / Belgrad, Serbia
Marking the territory, Irish Museum of Modern Art / Dublin, Ireland
Get that Balance, Sculputure Factory / Cork, England
A little bit of History Repeated, Kunst-Werke / Berlin, Germany
Autoren Gallery / Munich, Germany
2000 Große Kunstausstellung München, Haus der Kunst 2002, Museum of contemporary Art in Munich, Germany
Advanced Course in Visual Arts, ILYA KABAKOV, Foundatione Ratti, Chiesa San Francesco, Como/ Italy
Zimmer Frei, Hotel Mariandl Munich/ Germany
Gestrandet, container exhibition Odeonsplace, Munich/ Germany
Galerie Unartig, Munich/ Germany


Eröffnung mit Performance „Atropos“ - Nezaket Ekici, Double Bind

© DNA – Die Neue Aktionsgalerie - Berlin    

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