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Andy Warhol, ‘Sunset’, Screenprint, 1972

Andy Warhol, ‘Sunset’, Screenprint, 1972, 1972

Unique screenprint on paper
USA, 1972
Andy Warhol (1928-1987) – American Pop artist
Published by David Whitney, New York
Printed by Salvatore Silkscreen Co., Inc., New York
Signed by the artist, and dated and numbered ‘466/470’ in pencil on verso
From a total edition of 632
Inkstamped ‘HOTEL MARQUETTE PRINTS’ on the verso
For reference see Feldman & Schellmann 11A.85-88

Dimensions: 34 x 34 in; 86.5 x 86.3 cm
Framed dimensions: 34 ¼ x 34 ¼ x 1 ¼ in; 87 x 87 x 3.2 cm
Very good condition
Estimate: $55,000-$65,000
Dieses Objekt wird durch das New York Büro verkauft

Losnummer: 113

Detailinformationen zum Objekt

In 1972 Warhol received a commission from famed architects Johnson & Burgee to do a series of prints for their new project, the Hotel Marquette in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The subsequent 470 prints that formed Sunset were installed in the rooms of the hotel. When the hotel was renovated in 1981, the prints from the hotel were returned to Warhol. Each print is unique in color. This is one of the most beautiful. It is authenticated by the Warhol Foundation.

Andy Warhol (AMERICAN, 1928-1987)

Andy Warhol, founder and leading figure of the American Pop Art, was born in 1928 as a son of a Carpatho-Rusyn family in Pennsylvania. He began his career as an artist by creating advertising graphics. By 1956, he presented his graphic works at the Museum of Modern Art. Shortly thereafter, Warhol began experimenting with different techniques and started focusing on typically American objects of the consumer society, such as Campbell’s soup cans or Coca-Cola bottles. In 1962 Warhol started with his series of portraits of celebrities, such as Marilyn Monroe or Elvis Presley, who were at the height of their career. His renowned studio ‘The Factory’ was a meeting point for internationally successful artists, actors and musicians. In the early 1960s Warhol was given his first solo exhibition. His work is now part of important private and public collections world-wide, including the Modern Museum of Art in New York, the Tate Modern in London and the Musée d’Art Moderne in Paris


In overall very good condition.


Am 29.03.2016 470 Modern & Contemporary Art

Maße: 86.5 x 86.3 cm

signiert datiert

Schätzpreis: 29.172,-  EURO

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